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Men, Together We Can Make A Difference

When it comes to sexual assault and domestic violence, I never wanted to be the one standing in the front, speaking out about these issues. It's not something that I ever thought I would be called to do. Nevertheless, here I am. Sometimes we choose our callings and other times our callings choose us. And I believe that this is my calling. To be a man who speaks up and speaks out for those who can't or don't speak for themselves. To be a support for those who need it. To be a voice in the darkness, shining a light on these issues. It's not an easy road, but it's one that I'm willing to walk down. Because somebody has to. And if not me, then who?

Sexual assault and domestic violence are two of the most difficult topics to discuss. As a man, I've had someone very close to me who experienced both. Though these incidents happened many years ago I witness the mental and emotional toll it has had on them this very day. It's something that never really goes away. The effects can be lifelong.

I've spoken to way too many survivors of these crimes that have never shared their stories before. Many have brought me to tears. I hurt for them. I get angry for them. I feel their pain. But I also see their strength. They are some of the strongest people I know. They've had to be and that's why I'll continue to speak out. Because their stories need to be heard. Because these crimes need to be discussed more openly. Because change needs to happen.

And I want to do something about it.

This is why I've chosen to be a man who speaks up about these issues.

Yes, these are two topics that are very difficult to talk about, but we need to start somewhere. We need to have these discussions so that we can begin to understand what these issues are and how we can best address them. We need to stand up and speak out against sexual assault and domestic violence. We need to support those who have been affected by these terrible acts. We need to be the light in the darkness.

These are important issues, and they need to be discussed more openly. We need to talk about consent, we need to talk about respect, we need to talk about boundaries. We need to have these conversations with our friends, our families, and with our children. We need to be the change that we want to see in the world.

I need other strong and brave men to stand up with me and speak out against these issues. We need to be the generation that ends sexual assault and domestic violence. We can do this, but we need to start the conversation today.

When we as men not just openly talk about these issues but decide to see meaningful change the as a society then and only then can we begin to break the stigma and the silence that surrounds them. Only then can we truly make a difference. So, I'll continue to speak out. I'll continue to be a voice in the darkness. I'll continue to be a support for those who need it. And I'll continue to shine a light in the darkness.

The change will not happen overnight, but it starts with having these tough conversations. So, let's have them. Let's be the change that we want to see in the world. Together, we can make a difference.

If we can start having these discussions, if we can start being more open about these issues, then maybe we can start making a difference. Maybe we can start saving lives. And that is worth everything to me.

This is why I'm here. To use my voice to help make a difference. To lend my support in whatever way I can. Whether it's just listening, speaking to those that will listen as well as doing something to help make changes, I want to be there for those who need it.

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault or domestic violence, please know that you are not alone. There is help available. Please reach out for support.

This is my call to action. If you want to join my call to action, let's talk.

You can email me at




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Shining Light in Darkness wants to spread our message of hope and compassion.

We would like to thank our grantors for their

support of our work to address

sexual assault & domestic violence

in our community:

North Carolina Council for

Women & Youth Involvement


Blue Cross Blue Shield

© Shining Light in Darkness, 2019- 2023

3511 Shannon Rd, Suite 300, Durham, NC 27707

All rights reserved. A 501(C)3 organization (EIN: 47-2120872)

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